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Get information from drupal.org
41 Installs

Information from drupal.org

Easily access information from drupal.org to speed up development.

Available commands

Search for Drupal Change Records

This command lets you search for Drupal Change Records. It will return the first page of results from the change records and also search based on keywords. You can open the change record in the browser by pressing Enter.

Search Drupal's API (api.drupal.org)

This command lets you search in Drupal's API. It will return the first 50 items from api.drupal.org based on your search text. You can open a specific item in your browser by pressing Enter. Further actions like copying Drupal core's location are also available.

Search for Drupal Projects

This command lets you search Drupal projects (modules, themes, and distributions).

Future commands

I want to make available a lot more drupal.org features and information such as modules, themes, documentation, and so on. This is a list of commands I will implement in the future.

[x] Search for Drupal Change Records [x] Search for projects [ ] Show information and releases for a project (module, theme, distribution, etc)

Ideas are welcome. Please create issues on GitHub for them or find me on Twitter.